Monday, November 26, 2007


Paddy strolled into Dugan's Bar.
"gimme a double shot," he ordered the bartender,"I need one bad."
What is matter?" asked the bartender.
"I'll tell you what's the matter. I'm going to get into the bloodiest fight you ever saw! Oh , it's going to be an awful battle."
The bartender poured him a double shot. Paddy drank it in one gulp.
"And now," requested Paddy, "do you mind if I use your telephone?"
"Go right ahead."
Paddy called his doctor. "Doctor,' he pleaded,"please stay in your office and be ready for an emergency. There's going to be a terrible fight at Dugan's Bar." Hanging up, he turned to the bartender: " Gimme another double shot. Oh, what a battle you're going to see!"
" By the way," asked the man behind the bar,"who are you going to fight?'
"you! I'm not paying for the drinks!"

KEY: Bars

VISUAL: Bartender and customer in terrific fight.

PUNCH: "You! I'm not paying for the drinks!"

TELLING HINT: Paddy firm, convinced. bartender is quizzical

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